Surprising Insights About Success, Straight To Your Inbox
"Dude, Greg, I f*cking loved this one. Thank you. " —Krystal F.
Laziness Is Actually The Key To Self-Discipline
I used to think that discipline was about waking up at 5am and taking cold showers. Then I realized that I like hitting snooze and cuddling with my wife. So I created a concept I call Lazy Self-Discipline.
Meditate Every Day. It'll Change Your Life.
One day, I developed a system that allowed me to meditate consistently every single morning. I've been using that system for the last 10 years and it’s changed my life.
How To Quit Social Media As An Entrepreneur (My Experience)
In this article, I'm going to share with you exactly what happened to my business after I left social media, including actual numbers. Because that's what I would have wanted to see.
How To Be Content Without Losing Your Ambition
Once you've achieved a certain level of success, it becomes clear that achieving more won't make you happier. Here’s the challenge: We often worry that by becoming content, we'll lose our motivation and become complacent. But is this really true?
The Worst Self-Help Advice
We're often told that to be successful, we shouldn't settle. We should be pushing for more in every area of life. Otherwise, we'll end up overweight, lonely, and broke. But what if settling is the key to success?
Why This Consultant Is Shutting Down Her Successful 6 Figure Business - Interview with Tamara Kemper
In this interview I talk with Tamara Kemper, a former client of mine, about her decision to shut down her extremely successful consulting business, The Process Mavens.
Annual Review 2023: Taco Tuesday, Texas BBQ, and A Big Slice Of Humble Pie
Ahh, another year as a business owner. Cash coming in while you sit on a beach, sipping mojitos. No challenging conversations to have. Your marketing that used to work, still working. Jk lol.
Why You Don’t Always Have To Love Your Business
In this video, I share why your business doesn't have to be fun all the time, and how to alleviate the pain of entrepreneurship by letting go of your expectations.
Case Study: Megan Figured Out What Her Best Clients Had In Common
Megan Fraser is an executive coach for climate startups who are scaling their impact. Our 1-1 work together allowed her to clarify who she was meant to serve.