Case Study: Megan Figured Out What Her Best Clients Had In Common
Megan Fraser is an executive coach for climate startups that are scaling their impact. Our 1-1 work together allowed her to clarify who she was meant to serve. She recorded this video in June 2022:
Learn more about working with Greg:
What made you want to work with Greg?
I'd been a coach for about four years, and on paper I had done very well. I had been very opportunistic in what I said yes to. I had built a really strong name for myself. I was very credible AND I was very, very burnt out. So something had to change. I wanted to have a different work-life balance. I wanted to be more strategic with how to grow my business in a way that made sense with who I wanted to serve.
My biggest concern about working with Greg was probably around the investment. I had just come off a very expensive year, investing in training and a business mastermind, so I'm very used to investing in myself and in my skills and in my business, but this was a new level for me.
What was the experience like?
What I liked most about working with Greg was access to his brain in a way that felt really human and relaxed. I actually really had fun during our sessions. I found them very stimulating, very challenging. I really like Greg as a person, and so that really helped me. I felt there was really good chemistry between us.
And then beyond that, just the wealth of knowledge that Greg has means that you don't have to start at the bottom of the hill. You can start halfway up. You don't have to reinvent the wheel. He's already got a wheel for you.
“...the wealth of knowledge that Greg has means that you don’t have to start at the bottom of the hill. You can start halfway up. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. He’s already got a wheel for you. ”
And so yes, you have to still generate the results, but you don't have to try and agonize over it or be asked coach-y questions about them. I really liked the combination of coaching and consulting that he brought. So when it was time for me to make a decision or to think through some of my own solutions to problems, he did that. But there were also times he's like, “Do you want hear my opinion or would it be more helpful to have a model?” And he'd bring something in which cut right to the chase.
I think if I hadn't worked with Greg and got the clarity on how I want to be working and who I am and built that confidence, it would be really easy for me to keep going after low hanging fruit, saying yes to things that don't pay particularly well, but that give me guaranteed income. Whereas I'm now taking the lesser chosen path, which is all about taking a bet on myself.
What specific results have you achieved?
Far and away the biggest result I got from working with Greg has been clarity about who I work with. When I came to Greg, my strapline was, ‘I help purpose led entrepreneurs, leaders, and professionals cultivate powerful change in life, leadership and work.’ I was like, that's pretty cool. That's a good strapline. And then I told Greg that and he said, “Okay, I've got good news for you. Your life's about to become a lot easier.”
And so, over the course of working with Greg, even in that first month, I did this huge exercise for myself where I looked at my favorite clients and I learned that what they had in common was that a lot of them were climate founders, climate entrepreneurs, climate executives. And it just made sense to focus down on that niche as my people.
And as a result, just knowing who my people are means I'm far more focused in the events to go to, the podcasts to appear on, the content that I write about. And I know how I can help them and what their problems are. So I feel far more laser focused and a lot more confident as a coach because I know who I am and who I serve.
Would you recommend working with Greg?
You should work with Greg if you don't see yourself as a hobby coach. Rather you see yourself as a professional coach who wants to make this your life's work. This is your vocation, this is your calling, and you're going to do it really, really well. And you feel as though you are spinning your wheels and not gaining traction, or you're kind of doing all the right stuff and it's not working, or you're just sick of this being the status-quo for you and you're ready for it to change.