Surprising Insights About Success, Straight To Your Inbox
"Dude, Greg, I f*cking loved this one. Thank you. " —Krystal F.
How To Go Broke As A Life Coach
There's a big problem in the coaching industry right now that no one is talking about…It’s called cash flow. To explain, let me tell you the story of Jane.
How to Get Clients In 30 Minutes A Day
If you want to get clients consistently, you must be consistent with your marketing efforts. You don't need to search for the newest or most effective tactics out there. As long as you're consistently doing things that have been proven to work, you'll eventually be able to make a great living as a coach.
Struggling With Self-Doubt? How To Know If Your Coaching Provides Value
They might not admit it, but deep down most coaches feel like imposters. Sound familiar? If you're second-guessing your coaching ability, it's probably because you don't have tangible evidence of the value that you've created.
I Tracked My Energy Every Hour for a Week - Here's What I Learned
As coaches we spend a lot of time asking questions like...What marketing strategies should I use to get clients? Or...How do I grow my coaching business? But there's another important question that you should be asking: When do I do my best work?
Why Competition is Irrelevant And How To Stop Comparing Yourself To Other Coaches
Are you feeling stuck in comparison right now? Maybe there's another coach who's work is closely aligned with yours. They have a beautiful website, a clear brand, and they're really rocking and rolling. How do you stop comparing and start finding your own voice?
Why I Don't Share Pricing On My Website (And Why You Shouldn't Either)
I'm often asked by coaches whether or not they should share their coaching rates on their website. In the vast majority of cases, my answer is a firm "No."
What to Do When a Potential Client Says They Can't Afford Your Coaching
Have you ever been having a great conversation with a potential client and then they give you a financial objection? Maybe they tell you, "I can't afford it" or "I'd love to sign up but I'm not sure if I have the money right now." What do you do?
The 4 Key Numbers I Keep Track Of Every Single Week In My Coaching Business
You've probably heard the saying, "What gets measured gets done." It's absolutely true in relation to your coaching business. If you don't stay focused on your most important metrics each week, you're more likely to creatively avoid the things that actually get clients and make money.
How to Build Your Coaching Business On The Side (Without Getting Fired)
Are you having to balance your coaching business with another job right now? Maybe you have a full-time gig that pays most of the bills. Maybe you do contractor work on a part-time basis. Whatever the case may be, almost every successful coach started off by building their business on the side.