
Surprising Insights About Success, Straight To Your Inbox

"Dude, Greg, I f*cking loved this one. Thank you. " —Krystal F.



Mindset Guest User Mindset Guest User

How To Ride The Roller Coaster of Entrepreneurship

Imagine waiting in line for a roller coaster. You watch the line slowly grow shorter as the people in front of you get on. Some of them look excited. Others are laughing nervously. A few minutes later, they exit the roller coaster smiling. You try to imagine what the ride must have been like.

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Mindset Guest User Mindset Guest User

3 Reasons Why I Love Being A Beginner

She must have been five feet tall but she laid me out.“I’m not very good at that move,” she said. “Really? It seemed pretty good to me.” This is what happened last night at Aikido practice. I only started learning the Japanese martial art about five months ago. I'm a beginner, so it's okay.

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Mindset Guest User Mindset Guest User

Everything You Can Imagine Is Real (Meaning)

Any act of creation, whether it is a piece of art or a new business, starts off as a vision. Think about it: Everything manmade that we can see around us began in someone's imagination. If you are a small business owner or entrepreneur, your ability to get other people (clients, customers, investors) to buy into your vision is paramount.

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Annual Review Guest User Annual Review Guest User

Annual Review For 2014: The Year Of The Leap

Last week, I conducted my first Annual Review. An Annual Review is about taking stock. In this sense, it’s similar to the weekly reviews I do each Sunday. It’s just a more macro view. The purpose of this Annual Review was to celebrate the past 12 months, be honest about where I fell short, and look ahead to the future.

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Mindset Guest User Mindset Guest User

How to Know When It's Time to Let Go

Are you a quitter? For most of us, quitting is synonymous with failure. Knowing when to give something up is one of the hardest things in the world. It’s also one of the most valuable skills we can cultivate. After my freshman year of college, I quit wrestling.

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Mindset Guest User Mindset Guest User

How To Overcome Fear of Success as an Entrepreneur

It's time to stop the self-sabotage. A couple of days ago, I came across a program that I knew could help grow my coaching business. It was directly relevant to one of the challenges I was having. It came from a credible source, someone who had already given a lot of value away for free. I knew that moving forward with this program would me help solve my problem. However, the product was expensive. Not so expensive that I literally couldn’t afford it, but expensive enough to make me hesitant.

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Read “Don’t Let The Fear Win”

Work 1-1 with Greg