Surprising Insights About Success, Straight To Your Inbox
"Dude, Greg, I f*cking loved this one. Thank you. " —Krystal F.
How To Overcome Fear of Success as an Entrepreneur
It's time to stop the self-sabotage. A couple of days ago, I came across a program that I knew could help grow my coaching business. It was directly relevant to one of the challenges I was having. It came from a credible source, someone who had already given a lot of value away for free. I knew that moving forward with this program would me help solve my problem. However, the product was expensive. Not so expensive that I literally couldn’t afford it, but expensive enough to make me hesitant.
Use This Technique To Overcome Fear Fast
5 minutes before writing this post, I asked for a 10% discount at Starbucks. I waited in line, went up to the register, and ordered a medium roast coffee. My heart started beating faster. “Anything else?” asked the barista. “Actually, yeah...can I get 10% off on that?” At this point I could literally feel the blood rushing through my body as I spoke. She looked at me for a few seconds, confused. “Sorry, I don’t think I heard you...could you say that one more time?”
The 3-Headed Monster of Fear (and How to Slay It)
"What happens if I fail?” is the wrong question. How about: "What happens if I succeed?” From an early age, we are taught to avoid failure. In school, we learn that ten Bs are always better than nine Fs and one A. We learn to minimize risk. Most people carry this strategy over to the real world. They live a life of Bs.