Case Study: Valerie Landed Her First B2B Coaching Contract

Valerie Franco is a leadership coach who helps leaders navigate change more effectively. She came to me for help generating more leads and clients without being pushy. Here’s her story…


What made you want to work with Greg?

When I reached out to Greg, it was toward the end of a year that I had had a lot of distractions. Good things, travel, catching up with family and friends. After Covid, I came back to realize that my funnel was empty. I had not been marketing enough, and my business was going to begin spiraling if I didn't do something pretty quickly.

My biggest concern about working with Greg was that he was going to push me out of my comfort zone and ask me to do things that I did not want to do or use my network, which I also consider to be my friends, in ways that might make me feel uncomfortable.

What was the experience like?

After a couple of sessions, I knew for sure he was in my corner. He understood, he was empathetic, and he had solutions. I'm a natural teacher and I love to share information as a way of helping other people, and Greg helped me understand how to include a call to action to say, if you see yourself in this story, maybe I can help, or I have the tools that can support you in your journey. It allowed me to use a tactic that was comfortable for me that I enjoy doing, which is storytelling and make it not only edification for others, but also a sales and marketing tool.

What specific results have you achieved?

“I'm on track to achieve my financial goal for this year, as well as a goal of working with a business as a client in addition to working with individuals and I’ve been able to achieve that this year.”

So earlier in the year, before working with Greg, I would not have thought that would be possible. And yet, here we are.

If I had not hired Greg, I'm not sure where my business would be right now. I was all over the place trying to find solutions, trying to figure out how to get my pipeline going again. Without his help, I might still be there. I might still be throwing spaghetti against the wall to figure it out. Working with Greg really helped me focus and understand the tools that would make a difference, that would attract my clients and help them find me.

Would you recommend working with Greg?

You should work with Greg if you are in the place that I was in. For whatever reason, your pipeline has emptied out. You aren't sure where to turn next. Or if, like me, you are fairly new to coaching and you're still trying to build your business, build referrals, and Greg is just an ideal resource to support coaches understanding the business of coaching and allowing each of us to be who we are as a coach. We understand the power and the value of coaching. I can't do coaching without coaches in my life.


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